{Missy. Ava. Katelyn. Paul}

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Princess Ava's Christmas pictures

What happened to my baby? She is so grown up now!

15 weeks down...25 more to go!

I'm 15 weeks preggers! Surprisingly it has gone by fast. Trying to keep up with Ava seems to make this pregnancy go be faster. I'm feeling a lot better these last few weeks and hope the nausea has gone for good. I'm starting to gain back the weight I lost in the 1st trimester, which makes my doctor happy. Just a few more weeks til we find out what we're having!

Family Pictures

This past October we had family pictures taken. Lori Ashton once again did a great job.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

Ever since I can remember, it has been a Duncan family tradition to do Gingerbread houses during the holiday season. Well, as the years have gone by. We have gone from who can get the most candy on their house, to who's looks the best and finally this year it was just trying to make sure the candy made it onto the house. We all had a great time BUT we sure did miss Mike and his family. It's just not the same without them!

Ava telling her Daddy how to put the house together

Ava and Mommy finnishing what Daddy had started

Miranda helping Cooper and Grady

Colby helping Tucker and Duncan

Megan making her own house


This Thanksgiving the 3 of us went all the way to freezing cold Michigan to spend the holiday with Paul's family. Boy was it COLD! It didn't seem to bother Ava very much though. She had a fun time taking her baby for a stroll out in the cold with Gramma Prentis.
The 4 hour flight really wasn't that bad. Thanks to the portable DVD player. That was the best invention EVER!
Thanksgiving night Ava joined a rock band with her Papou, Georgie, Jen and her Daddy! It was hysterical. The girl is a natural!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ava's going to be a big sister!
Paul and I are expecting baby #2!
My due date is June 11, 2010. A LONG ways away! We are all very excited. Especially Miss Ava who now thinks everyone has a baby in their belly, including herself.
Here is an ultrasound picture.
Boy? or Girl?

{7 weeks}

Trick or Treat!
This year Ava wanted to be Snow White or as Ava says it "Snow Wipe!" At the moment Snow White is Ava's favorite princess. Next to Mommy of course!
There were several Snow Whites this year. They were all cute!
We celebrated at my Michele's house all the way out in Peoria! It's far, but we had tons of fun.
"The Fairest one of All!"
Snow White with cousin the Pirate {Megan}

All the beautiful Snow Whites

Ava's 1st house...she thought she had to leave her bucket there!

After every house Ava said "Not scared Mommy!" My baby is growing up!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Schnepf Farms

Last weekend the 3 of us went to Schnepf Farms to pick a pumpkin for Miss Ava. We thought it would be fun to pick pumpkins, take a hayride, watch some good entertainment and have Chili. Somehow eating Chili outside in 90 degree weather just wasn't as fun as we thought. Fortunately Ava did not have a problem picking her pumpkin and we were quickly off to see the cutest little girls who were all dressed up in their dance gear and shaking their booty on stage. Ava just couldn't contain herself and had to get her groove on too. It was so hysterical. Where's the video camera when you need it!?! Sadly, Ava has her mother's rhythm and coordination. Sorry babe!

Ava getting her groove on!

Too much fun for a 2 yr old!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grampa Newell

This month my Grampa Newell turned 94! We celebrated with some cake, ice-cream and enjoyed some entertainment from some of his great-grandkids. I think they may have had too much sugar because they got a little crazy!

{top: Tucker Ashton, Cooper Ashton bottom: Grady Ashton, Duncan Ashton, Great-Grampa Newell, Ava Prentis}

{top: Duncan Ashton, Tucker Ashton bottom: Ava Prentis, Grady Ashton}

Saturday, September 19, 2009

This last week, my really good friend Kathi and her new baby girl Keira came for a visit. Ava just loved baby Keira. Keira is such a sweet baby and was a good sport. Surprisingly, she didn't suffer any injuries. Ava hasn't learned what "personal space" is just yet. I think Ava is ready for a little brother or sister. We'll see!{Ava and Baby Keira}

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A few weeks ago Ava jumped off the diving board for the 1st time at Gramma & Papa Duncan's house. Now, every time we are there she wants to jump off the diving board. I can't say I wasn't nervous at first but she has such a great time doing it and believe it or not, my baby can swim!

Monday, July 13, 2009

San Diego Vacation

What do you do when the local news reports EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING for the upcoming weekend? That's right....You get the heck out of town! So Paul, Ava and I took off on a 5 1/2 hour drive to San Diego!


Our 1st stop was Sea World! Paul and I haven't been to Sea World in a long time and it was Ava's first time. She was so excited to go. Her cousins had been telling her about Shamu ever since they came back from their trip. She already knew how to do the SHAM SLAM!

The 3 of us waiting for Shamu. Yes...we were in the SOAK ZONE!


Ava didn't enjoy the soaking part while it was happening, but afterwards all she could talk about was "SHAMU ALL WET!" I think she secretly enjoyed it. Later that night we even dined with Shamu 3 feet from the tank! It was so much fun!

Ava also got to go to the 4D Sesame Street show with Elmo! Where, AGAIN, we got wet. I don't think I will be able to get Ava into a movie theatre any time soon.

Here are some pictures from around the park.

Our next stop was the beach! What a day. I think everyone else had the same idea. We had a terrible time finding a parking spot, but we finally got the the beach!

It was such a beautiful day! You couldn't even feel the sun...therefore...I forgot sunblock on myself! I did, however, remember to coat Ava really well, but my back is as red as a lobster. It's 2 days later and it still hurts. I can't believe it. I'm 30 years old, live in AZ and you would think by now I would remember sunblock. Oh well!

It was a GREAT family vacation! I can't wait for Disneyland.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July Celebration

Ava and I spent the 4th of July with hours of swimming and lots of good food at Gramma & Papa Duncan's. Ava loves to go swimming and pretty much asks to go everyday!

{Ava. Grady. Duncan. Tucker. Cooper}

{Me & Ava}

{Princess Ava}

{Grady. Aunt Miranda. Duncan}

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I've Been Tagged!

My sister-in-law, Julianne, has tagged me. So here is my 6th picture from my 6th folder.

This picture was taken at the Greek Food Festival last May. Not a great picture. Maybe I should clean out my folders.

I now tag...Kathi and Shannon! Have fun girls :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Paul's Surgery

About a year ago Paul was diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the bone, aka his hips are bothering him. This impairs the blood supply to the bone, and the bone subsequently dies. This is an "infrequent" side effect to one of Paul's anti-rejection drugs.
After Xrays and MRI's they determined that his right hip is in the late stages of the disease. They gave him 2 options, replacement surgery or a cortisone shot. So Paul opted for the cortisone shot and seems to have worked. Eventually he will need replacement surgery.
Now, his left hip is in the early stages and last Friday he had hip decompression surgery. Basically, small holes were drilled into his hip to help deliver blood flow. This should help the bone so that it might heal, or prolong the inevitable, REPLACEMENT SURGERY.
I don't know about Paul, but Ava and I are not ready for that!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Utah Trip

This last week Ava, her cousins Megan & Ryan, Aunt Michele and I went to Utah to visit my brother Mike & his family.
The last time Ava & I flew to Utah, we shared a seat. I don't think the people in front of us enjoyed that very much so this time Ava got her own seat! She loved it.
{My big girl}
We took a little trip up to Snowbird. Can you believe it...Snow in May! This is the first time Ava has played in the snow. She wasn't so sure of the snow at first, but after a couple of snowballs she was OK with it.
{Me & Ava}

{Julianne. Austin. Mike}

{Austin & his Mommy}

We also walked around Temple Square in Downtown Salt Lake. It was such a beautiful day. I can't believe I'm the only one who had my eyes closed. Oh well.

{Megan. Me. Ryan. Michele. Mike. Julianne. Ava. Austin}

{Ryan. Megan. Ava}

{Julianne & Austin...he is soooo cute!}
On the last day, Ava & her Uncle Mike enjoyed their last Dorito snack together on the couch. We wish Uncle Mike didn't live so far, but we definitely enjoy visiting Utah! Thanks for having us at your house guys! We miss you!

{Uncle Mike & Ava}