{Missy. Ava. Katelyn. Paul}

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ava's going to be a big sister!
Paul and I are expecting baby #2!
My due date is June 11, 2010. A LONG ways away! We are all very excited. Especially Miss Ava who now thinks everyone has a baby in their belly, including herself.
Here is an ultrasound picture.
Boy? or Girl?

{7 weeks}

Trick or Treat!
This year Ava wanted to be Snow White or as Ava says it "Snow Wipe!" At the moment Snow White is Ava's favorite princess. Next to Mommy of course!
There were several Snow Whites this year. They were all cute!
We celebrated at my Michele's house all the way out in Peoria! It's far, but we had tons of fun.
"The Fairest one of All!"
Snow White with cousin the Pirate {Megan}

All the beautiful Snow Whites

Ava's 1st house...she thought she had to leave her bucket there!

After every house Ava said "Not scared Mommy!" My baby is growing up!