{Missy. Ava. Katelyn. Paul}

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Once I FINALLY cleaned up the disaster at home, the 3 of us went and celebrated the rest of Christmas with Ava's cousins, Aunts and Grandparents. Her Uncle Mike, Aunt Julianne and cousin Austin missed out on ALL the fun. Maybe next time guys!
{Ava with cousins Megan and Duncan}

{A princess tea set...Just what Ava needed!}

{She gets this pose from her Grampa Duncan}

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was so much fun this year. Ava finally understands the Santa and present thing. It was fun to watch her open her presents. She couldn't believe all those presents were for her.
Ava especially loved her Tinkerbell stocking!

{And then it was FINALLY over! Whose going to clean up that mess?}

Monday, January 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Paul's Aunt Connie's for a traditional Greek feast. Yummy! Ava had a wonderful time running around with the Harms girls. She doesn't often get to play with other little girls, so she truly had a great time.
{Ava and Gramma Prentis}