{Missy. Ava. Katelyn. Paul}

Saturday, February 13, 2010

22 Weeks Preggers!

{Talk about a BAD hair day!}

WOW! The time sure has gone by fast. I guess that's what happens when you are trying to keep up with a 2 1/2 yr old. Who, by the way, is officially potty trained. Yes, you heard right. It's been 3 weeks and only 2 accidents! I can't believe it! I thought it would NEVER happen. I give a big thanks to the potty Gods. They knew I couldn't handle buying diapers for 2 kids!

{My goofballs}

Monday, February 8, 2010

She's a movie star!

{Turn sound on}

It's A Girl!

On January 18th we found out we are having ANOTHER girl. Yippee! I am truly excited to have another little Princess. Paul, on the other hand, is a little nervous...as he should be!
The doctor says the baby is doing great and has a good heartbeat.
I can't wait to meet this little girl!

Her little foot

{It's a Girl....part}

Her perfect thigh!

I can already tell...this one isn't going to give me attitude!