{Missy. Ava. Katelyn. Paul}

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Before my maternity leave is over Paul and I took the girls to Michigan to visit his family and friends. The airplane ride there went from 4 hours to 6 very long hours. Our first plane had a faulty fuel sensor and we had to return and board a different plane. Fortunately, Miss Katie slept the entire time. Clearly God knows what I can and can't handle. Ava did really good too, especially since she didn't get a nap that day.


Paul's parents had a great BBQ at their house and they invited some of Paul's close friends. It was great to see everyone.


This year my little Ava started pre-school. Ava was so excited about going to school like her older cousins, of course her mind changed when we actually got there. Mrs. Lunt managed to calm Ava down and Ava had a wonderful 1st day.

Ava is going to pre-school with her cousin Grady. Poor Grady thinks Ava is going to always be with him. I promised him he would not have to go to his Senior Prom with his cousin!

Katelyn's Blessing

Paul and I had Katelyn blessed in the LDS church on July 4, 2010. The blessing was given by her Grandpa Duncan. After Katelyn's blessing we had a luncheon at our house. As usual we Duncan's showed our true inner dork and formed our own rock band.